We provide highly customizable boilerplate which simply reduces the time by integrating it straight away rather than writing everything from the scratch.
Next.js is a React framework that gives you building blocks to create web applications.
Nest. JS is a framework that helps build Node. JS server-side applications.
Matrix gives you simple HTTP APIs to create chatrooms, direct chats and chat bots
Nx is a smart, fast and extensible build system with first class monorepo support and powerful integrations.
MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program.
GraphQl An open-source data query & manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data
We use the agile process of software development which in turn increases the productivity, quality & client satisfaction.
This is the initial stage at which the stakeholders gather & discuss the scope & agenda of the product & analyze it’s feasibility.
At this stage, the stakeholders generate, define and prioritize the current market hurdles in order to generate a radically different product irrespective of latest trends in the market
At this stage, team creates the prototype, Wireframes & interactive Mockups for building “user to product” interaction & selecting the best design approach for the product.
This stage involves the creation of interactive designs that provides simulation to a functional app from user prospective.
At this stage the team unify the product with Cx Tools which results in overall escalation of productivity & customer experience.
The development team builds the environment where the software will exist and writes code in that environment to create a product that matches the requirement and the stakeholders goals and objectives.
At this stage,
the Quality Assurance team examines the product’s/features performance.
At this stage, the team pushes the product on the required environments for the end users.
We have built these tools for Leaders to streamline technology to keep up with the trends while improving performance.
CXBoilerPlates are huge time-savers, sparing developers the need to write tons of code from scratch. The highly customizable boilerplate simply reduces the time by integrating it straight away rather than writing everything from the beginning. You can save upto 80% of the project cost if you are using boilerplates.
Continuous integration and continuous deployment complement each other. A strong CI pipeline that undergoes multiple stages of testing ensures that an application is valid, correct and ready for deployment. This process also saves countless developer hours by testing and deploying applications automatically so developers can focus on their code task i.e. developing new features.
ConfigureX APIs is an API platform for building and testing APIs. Cx APIs allows you to collaborate around all your API artifacts to simplify each step of the API lifecycle on one single platform faster.
ShipNFT creates NFT Sites and AI models with NO – CODE principle. One can develop an NFT website with custom smart contracts, wallets, and minting on various chains without actually writing a single code. It is educating and empowering every artist, digital talent, and asset to showcase in NFTs with their own customized website.
Cx Artificial intelligence and machine learning models can help you bridge the gap of advancement into your projects. Or highly trained custom models are 80% accurate and flexible to work with
Let’s discuss how we can help your business grow and prepare for the future with our tomorrow’s solutions, today