Case Studies

Discover how Linkites, in partnership with Pineapple Corp., create win-win scenarios and client success.


Objective: Develop an automated e-commerce platform
Timeline: 06 months
Tech Stack: React, Shopify, MySql, NodeJs
Results: Spennie has experienced a remarkable surge in web traffic, and newlywed couples are thoroughly enjoying the user experience.

Seen Dating

Objective: Redevelop a mobile app for Seen Dating
Timeline: 12 months
Tech Stack: React Native, Nest.js, MongoDB and MySQL
Results: Project was successfully delivered ahead of schedule


Objective: Consolidate Direct TV, Warner Media, HBO Max, and AT&T TV into a single platform
Timeline: 12 months
Tech Stack: React Native, Expo, AWS S3, Lambdas, CloudFront
Results: Millions of DAU (daily active users)

NFL Fantasy App

Objective: Develop a Fantasy Football app for the NFL and Verizon.
Timeline: 9 months
Tech Stack: Android Java/Kotlin, NFL and Verizon backend integration
Results: Millions of downloads to date


Objective: Rearchitect the backend data processing for each peer-to-peer transaction.
Timeline: 90 days
Tech Stack: Python, AWS SQS, Lambda
Results: Processing times were decreased by 60% and the client realized a 33% reduction in cloud expenses.


Objective: To cater to the healthcare and medical needs of pregnant women during their postpartum period, an automated e-commerce platform needs to be developed for delivering relevant services.
Timeline: 12 months
Tech Stack: Shopify, Firebase, Node
Results: A robust, secure, user-friendly, and reliable system that is capable of delivering high-quality healthcare and medical services to pregnant women during their postpartum period.